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Last Updated on July 8, 2024 by Pilates Power

Reaching mindfulness through Pilates – Movement equals Happiness .

‘Pilates is not just exercise it’s a lifestyle that changes the world’

Brent Anderson, founder of Polestar Pilates

There is so much written and talked about Pilates and why we should do it for all sorts of different reasons. We want to understand it as an activity that you simply attend and we often see it defined as a core based type of exercise combined with flexibility. Thankfully Pilates is so much more than that. 

Having been a Pilates Teacher for over 20 years I have seen the method grow in popularity and throughly enjoyed seeing people begin and develop their own personal journey with Pilates. Pilates is not defined by any type of person who attends, we see people who have injuries, back pain, neurological issues, muscle in-balances and low muscle tone, posture issues, the list goes on and on. Many Pilates people would just like to be stronger and fitter for ‘life’. One of the key elements we know  as Pilates Professionals is that practice makes perfect and you can never be doing enough Pilates on a daily basis to improve your core and balance.

Fascia and Pilates


Fascia. It’s trending in the medical world at the moment and is becoming more and more important in treating injury and other chronic pain. But what actually is it? I want to explain a little about what Fascia actually is, how it is made up and its ability to transform to the kind of work we do in the Pilates studio. 
The term Fascia, or Myofascia, is used by a lot of people in the fitness and rehabilitation worlds, and while a lot of people do have some concept of what it is, Fascia is one of the most important organs in the human body. If you are interested in improving your flexibility, or any other type of training of the human body, it is something that you need to understand deeply to get the most out of your training. 
So what is Fascia?
At its most basic level, Fascia may be described as connective tissue. Some people describe it as a kind of sausage skin that encases the muscles that links everything together. While this is partially true, Fascia is really so much more than this. While fascia does surround every muscle in your body, it also surrounds every little bundle of muscle fibers, and even down to every individual myofibril. But it’s not just about muscles. Fascia actually surrounds everything! It wraps in and around your small intestine; It is deeply connected in and around your eyeballs, It connects everything to everything! And this is why when you have an issue in one area of the body it can be remotely affecting what you are feeling in another area of the body. This is why when we are looking at any issues around our flexibility we need to look at the fascial system as a whole to actually work out where the real root of the problem actually is to resolve the issue long term. 
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